The Memory Key – Nigel Baines

Lily’s grandad has always been her hero but lately he’s been confused and forgetful. She’s determined to help him get better but when Grandad’s memories magically start coming to life, they both get more than they bargained for… What happens though when they lose their key to return home? Will Lily find the light atContinue reading “The Memory Key – Nigel Baines”

Into The Faerie Hill – H.S. Norup

Welcome to day 6 of the Into The Faerie Hill blog tour. Read on to see my thoughts on this stunning story… Alfred glanced back up above the door. Like fun-mirrors, the old windows must’ve been skewing the features, because now the forked tongue was still, the eye sockets empty, and it was just aContinue reading “Into The Faerie Hill – H.S. Norup”